And if you're clogging up my home page with stuff about who you're dating and who sucks crap. (Because you dated them and they broke up with you. And the only person who will listen is the internet.) I will delete you. Fast. I'm a speedy motha.
Anywayzz. If you're having relationship issues, please talk about it on Myspace, because no one has to endure reading it. HA!!
And if you're playing ninja games and you're over fourteen...
And if you're all like, "Like my status for a FU."
I don't wanna be FU'd. Who the crap would?
Well actually I have ten friends who liked it.
My friends have issues...
Click here for what not to do's.
12 and over. For language content.
Or you can watch it. I'm a blogger not a cop.
k bye.