Hey guys. I have created a number of CP accounts over the years. Me, being twelve makes me one of the older people on there. That and my wicked awesome sense of humor makes it really fun to screw with people on there.
Fun things to do to confuse small children: When two penguins do hearts at each other, say, "Internet relationships aren't safe, kids." There reaction will be confused. And if someone puts on the robber costume and says "Put your hands up!" Just reply with no, nope, no thanks, and of course, go rob the (insert name of different place than where you are now.) the (insert name of building you are in) is broke.
*Please note that you could be banned. Make an alternate penguin to do these things. Look some stuff on google. If you think it'll be funny, do it. Only please remember small children are on there. Please be at least a little appropriate.
Try these things. They're freaking funny. Anyways, yeah.
k bye.
i must try this now