I am opinionated and awesome. Follow me on twitter @natcami

Has a cat, loves pancakes, awesome, eats like a fat person, loves The Simpsons and you have a picture of me in your head.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Snickers: Because you're not you when you're hungry

         Ok, to get this straight. I am me when I'm hungry. I'm not all like,
 "I'm hungry, so I'm going to become Joe Biden." I'm hungry a lot. Like when I raid the fridge and the only thing in there is mushrooms. I will starve until my parents go to the store and buy real food. Yet while I wait, for some reason I'm not in the White House. False advertising, Snickers. What if someone starved themselves and were all like,
  "I'm gonna starve myself until I become a roll of toilet paper."

    See. Snickers is starving people. That's called anorexia, people.

          Snickers: Causing starvation and obesity since 1930.

*Not bashing Snickers. Way too yummy to bash :)

k bye.

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