I am opinionated and awesome. Follow me on twitter @natcami

Has a cat, loves pancakes, awesome, eats like a fat person, loves The Simpsons and you have a picture of me in your head.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Buh-Bye Oregon!

     Haiii guys! So yeah. I'm in Oregon with meh buddy Kyra.

     What I'm doing right now: Taking Selfies, of course!

I just realized how tired I look in this picture...

    Yeah so Oregon was fun. No tax! Wahoo. 

     So yeah we're leaving in like an hour to go on a twelve hour drive home. FUN! Jk.

     Questions for an Oregonian: 

     'Tf you need people to pump your gas? Are y'all incapable of pumping your gas without setting the station on fire?

      What is up with all of the circle roads? I mean your whole state is just like on twirly road.

       Why do you guys like the Seahawks? You're freaking closer to 49er territory anyway. DaFu.

       So yeah. Bye.

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