I am opinionated and awesome. Follow me on twitter @natcami

Has a cat, loves pancakes, awesome, eats like a fat person, loves The Simpsons and you have a picture of me in your head.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Was sleeping. Now on the internet. *Sigh.*

       It's about 1:30 a.m. And I am so tired. I went to bed at nine (early) to get up for 6 a.m, to go to school at 7:20. And using 30 Rock as background noise to make me feel less lonely on the internet. I have friends, if thats what you're wondering. But I just don't have any friends on Facebook or Twitter at 1:30 IN THE FREAKING MORNING. So don't be prejudice. Don't judge me. Please. Just follow me on Twitter.

And my bro Kyra,

k goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! You don't get friends on Twitter!
    Facebook: hanging out with friends and family.
    Twitter: hanging out with people you like.

    ^Says it all
